Prepare for a day by the pool

Whether you’re at a public or home pool, supervision is the key to a safe day by the water.

Before a day by the home pool, remember:

  • 20 seconds is all it takes for a child to drown
  • For every toddler who drowns, another 10 are hospitalised, some left with permanent disabilities
  • Always keep children ten years of age and younger in your line of sight and children under five should remain within arm’s reach of an adult
  • Restrict access to water around the home
  • Ensure your pool/spa fence is compliant and register it at
  • Never leave pool gates propped open
  • Always empty inflatable pools and paddling pools immediately after use
  • Remove climbable objects from the pool area and surrounds
  • Ensure your children know how to swim
  • Learn CPR
  • For farms and rural areas – use a child safe play area to restrict a child’s access to water bodies (such as dams) that cannot be fenced
  • LSV’s Home Pool Safety App is a free tool to assist your home pool maintenance


Before a day at a public pool:

  • Non-swimmers and weak swimmers should not swim alone and should stay in areas of shallow water
  • Those with existing medical conditions should advise the lifeguard of their condition
  • Always keep children ten years of age and younger in your line of sight and children under five should remain within arm’s reach of an adult
  • Parents supervise, lifeguards save lives.
  • All pool users should follow the pool rules and the lifeguard instructions for their safety and the safety of those around them
  • Watch around Water – including watching your child, not your phone
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Prepare for a day by the pool
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